Arch 352 Integrated Construction Systems is the last step of the chain of Construction Studio Courses. This course is required to provide students with the ability to use previously obtained knowledge based on construction techniques in practical design problems.

The course will involve the design of appropriate use and integration of sub systems, which can be counted as structure, construction, material, finishing and other systems within the context of some determined goals such as feasibility, environmental conditions, spatial organization, regulations, etc. It aims at advancing the ability of the students in solving construction problems by considering the entire building, and presenting a design project in the scale of 1/50 and additionally, the lower scales such as 1/20, 1/10, 1/5.

Arch 352 is a non-exam course organized with reference to the Article 29-1 of Çankaya University’s educational regulations. Therefore, grading of the students will be made according to the work performed by the students per se during the term. The term will be divided into stages, each one comprising a different phase of the construction project. The development of the project will be monitored through panel and/or individual critics. Students will have to present their work several times as shown in the timetable to a panel jury in order to get a grade for each stage.

The method and the process used in the formation of the project are considered to be more important than the final design presented to the final jury. Therefore, students will be expected to be present at the studio, present their work to the panel, and participate to discussions during studio hours. Class hours will be essentially used for criticizing the work prepared by the students at home, and not for drawing projects. There may be sketch problems on design and/or spontaneous quizzes during the semester.